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Six Books Every Undergraduate Woman Needs to Read

six books

five books

1. Bossypants by Tina Fey

Tina Fey’s memoir will make you laugh out loud and question her sanity. Just kidding about that last part – you will realize (if you haven’t already) what a complete genius she is. Be inspired by her resilience, humble beginnings, and secrets to success, all in Tina’s witty, raw voice.

2. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham

There’s no question that Lena Dunham is known for her refreshing and honest voice. This collection of her essays shed light on her struggles and triumphs both professionally and personally. Her stories are hilarious, heartbreaking, cringe-worthy, and above all, ones we can all relate to.

3. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling’s memoir is honest and hilarious. She walks readers through every step of her life – goofy pictures of her younger self included. You will feel like Mindy’s best friend after reading this.

4. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

More serious than the rest of the books on this list, Lean In focuses on professionalism and success in the workplace. This book has given me personally so many tools that I have used already in the workplace. It will give readers tangible and concrete strategies to implement while climbing up to the career of your dreams.

5. Yes Please by Amy Poehler

The long-awaited memoir by Amy Poehler will leave you with your sides aching from laughter. Amy’s wise words permiate these pages and wind themselves through stories, lists, pictures, and even poetry.

6. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This is also on the more serious side as Sophia Amoruso – the CEO of Nasty Gal – discusses her road to success. Be inspired creatively, intellectually, spiritually, and professionally by her story. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, feminism, fashion, business, or just kicking ass in general, this is a read for you.